heya it's nova! here's my profiles for my despairing vacation muses!


Basic Information
Age: 28
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 145 lb
Birthday: October 30th (Scorpio)
Gender: Genderfluid (he/they/she)
Orientation: Demi-Pansexual
Class: 58
Class Title: Ultimate Marionettist
Alignment: ???; Ex-Future Foundation Member. May or may not be part of Beau's magic group.
Status: Dead (chapter 3 - the end of DV 1.5) - Alive (post DV 1.5)

Pierrot joined the Future Foundation in hopes to stopping the reign of terror (despair) across the globe, however, he seems to want to only follow things in his own manner. That's mainly why he's part of the 1st Divison - to try to provide directions and leadership. He's extremely peculiar and he's prone to rambling about the supernatural and the occult.
◇ When it comes to his 'canon' relations, his mother is alive and he keeps in contact with her as much as he can due to his worries about her. His father is assumed to be killed by the Renmants of Despair. They had been contacting Hayato more prior to the killing game (since they're in Tokyo and Hayato lives there).
◇ His mother isn't protected by the Future Foundation, however, Hayato is. In chapter 2, he begins to realize he has feelings for Hayato. In chapter 3, he starts to date him (again). They aren't able to be physically close, however, only conversing and engaging in their relationship by showing each other writings. Chapter 3 is the same chapter he dies. Then they spend the rest of the chapters in what they consider 'Purgatory' until Hayato revives them post-DV.

◇ After Hayato revives him, they get engaged. Pierrot also quits the Future Foundation due to it 'being a bad omen'. When Hayato mentions he's working for Beau, Pierrot tells Hayato that he will go with him one of these days to observe Beau. If Beau turns out to be somewhat trustworthy or intriguing to Pierrot, he'll join his group. Overall?

Personality: Pierrot is rather distant, and typically doesn't really like to get close to people. Not for a specific reason, but because they weren't really interested in friendship. However, the killing game makes him realize how important it is and he learns to make friends better. Though he still keeps to himself, usually. Only socializing most of the time when a subject interests him. He also comes off as rather blunt at times, and isn't afraid of lecturing people. They have a great interest in the supernatural and the occult. They act a little stubborn and childish at times, and also like to tease and smartass people sometimes.
(pixel by @dreambuns)


Clemont: At the beginning, Pierrot tried to convince Clemont to believe science and magick co-exist. Later on, they get along a little better. Pierrot was also able to tell Clemont that Willie had made him smash the generators and ultimately kill Aikira.

Akira: Pierrot hadn't spoken too much to Akira in the living realm, but in the after life. Like many of the jokesters in the afterlife, Pierrot does get a little annoyed with him. However, they do like that they were able to exercise together.

Shintaro: Pierrot and Shintaro get along pretty well, Pierrot had let Shintaro borrow her books (even while she had been dead). They're quite fascinated in Shintaro's abilities and Shinyaki. Pierrot has accepted a secret promise from Shintaro, will that promise end up happening?

Two: At the beginning, he was weary of Two for a ridiculous reason (for a joke they had made during Jaws). However, that reason ended up justified when she was revealed to be the main mastermind. Pierrot is relieved he didn't get to be close to Two, so it would make avoiding him less painful and much more easier. (...:sadcat:)

Spinel: Pierrot and Spinel had gotten along pretty well before his death. He would pop in during Spinel's movie showings. They feel a bond with her, especially with her being the Ultimate Clown and him taking on clown/jester aesthetics.
They did want to get to know her better while they were alive, but alas, death had taken them too soon. There's possibly a chance he did communicate to Spinel during his last days at the FF.

Sebastian: Seemingly loathes Sebastian for putting down his ideas to stop despair, however, he does care for Sebastian deep down. But sadly, due to him having trouble processing his emotions and being childishly stubborn, he's never gotten to say that upfront. One way or another though, they do want to tell Sebastian that they didn't just agree with Sebastian to keep himself alive.

Oswald: Pierrot and Oswald are rather close. Oswald had picked Pierrot to work in Division 1 and Pierrot appreciated what he has done for them. Though maybe telling him to shove balloons down his pants was a horrible idea.

Nathan: Nathan was Pierrot's best friend, and the one he considered himself the closest too at the Future Foundation. They had bonded over not only emotions, but magick too. Pierrot hopes for the best for Nathan. He also hopes he's able to realize his feelings for Vertig, too.

Grimnir: Grimnir and Pierrot had started on awkward footing at first because Pierrot had been a little too nosy about Grimnir being a god. However, they had apologized in the infirmary a little before his death and they got along significantly better.

Date: Pierrot considers Date a good friend, even going from calling him Date to calling him Kaname. They're supportive and want to be there for Date during his dark times. But Pierrot always can't help but remember that he popped his balloons...

Percy: Pierrot seems to be fond of Percy. However, he does wish that Percy didn't walk in at such an awkward moment.

Olivia: They hadn't socialized too much during the killing game, but Pierrot does seem to be alright with her. Pierrot ends up going to sit at her wedding (depending on whether his revival happens before that or not).

Amelia: While Pierrot had looked at Amelia with fondness at the beginning of the killing game, that had turned to disdain when he had learned Amelia was the NG Code mastermind who helped bring them towards their death. In the after life, they would constantly try to avoid Amelia, not wanting to talk to her because he felt so much conflict and pain.

Ren: Pierrot was quite interested in the Cardfight games that Ren would play, and wanted to learn more about them (and still does). In the after life, he's one of the people he considers to be 'gremlins'. But either way, he doesn't hate Ren. They just don't want Ren to keep trying to eat weed or paint.

Jowd: Pierrot and Jowd were roommates (oh my god they were roommates). While Pierrot wasn't the closest to Jowd, he enjoyed their conversations.

Hayato: Pierrot's childhood friend that he's known for middle school, now fiance. Hayato is also his soulmate. It took a long while to realize that his feelings towards Hayato weren't platonic, but romantic. While he appreciates Hayato keeping an eye on him during the killing game, what he wishes is that he didn't see him die.


Basic Information
Age: 29
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 138lb
Birthday: April 16th (Aries)
Gender: Trans Male (he/him)
Orientation: Bisexual (high masculine preference)
Class: 58
Class Title: Ultimate Visual Kei Star
Alignment: ???; working for Beau's magic group.
Status: Alive


◇ Hayato's not directly involved with the Future Foundation, however, he is protected by them due to Pierrot's request. He ends up in the Club 33 chatroom later on when Pierrot is locked in the Future Foundation building, where he communicates with other Future Foundation members and some other unfamiliar faces. He wanted Pierrot to get out safely, however, that ended up sort of not happening. :(
◇ He was still working for songs in his band during all of this, mainly trying to sing about hope to combat against the despair in the world. He was also lowkey competing with someone by the name of Rocky Road who seemed to do the opposite...
◇ He was highkey pining for Pierrot and then eventually got together with him. Sadly, Pierrot died a little while after that. Hayato, in turn, had started to get obsessed with finding a way to revive Pierrot, a lot of this due to developing PTSD. Thankfully, he's able to revive Pierrot and then slips the engagement question. Pierrot says yes and the two are engaged. Hayato plans to marry Pierrot when he retires from his visual kei career in four years. The last thing he does before retiring is help an idol group called STARISH rise to fame.

◇ Also, Hayato plans to take Pierrot's surname :)

◇ The reason why Hayato was able to revive Pierrot was because of Beau Megumi, who had offered to help him. Hayato was stubborn and didn't want to say yes, however, he eventually gave in the second people Pierrot knew were close to dying. However, Hayato begins to think that maybe this wasn't a bad idea after all. Especially because he learned a variety of different magic through this.

Personality: Hayato is hot-headed, has a short-temper, and he's quite blunt. He's rather impulsive as well. However, despite all of this, he has a heart of gold. He's also pretty outgoing and considered fun to talk to as well.

(pixel by @dreambuns)


Pierrot: Hayato's childhood friend, eventually lover and fiance. Hayato also considers Pierrot to be his soulmate. He had realized his feelings for Pierrot after many dates gone wrong. They date around chapter 2/3, and sadly Pierrot dies right after that. This causes Hayato to feel rather traumatized, and look for ways to help revive Pierrot. Thankfully, he's able to find a way and the two are able to live happily and peacefully... For the most part. Hayato still endures PTSD, but he's working through it.

Beau: At first, he couldn't stand him and wanted to be away from him and refuse his help. He still felt that way even when he had accepted his offer and went to his hideout. Though as he visited him and learned magic under his wing, he started to realize that yes, Beau Megumi does have a heart and it's not all manipulation. Especially because he'd watch him [ANIMAL DEATH MENT] revive animals [END TRIGGER WARNING] and various other things. Hayato is really appreciative for what Beau has done and is pretty grateful for it. Though he's a little nervous about saying that to his face.

Bonney: Thinks he’s a pretty cool dude. Probably his best friend in Club 33, he's pretty fond of the guy because they're so similar.

Bacon: Also thinks they're cool. Absolutely baffled over their height and them being a literal rock artist though! If it's not Bonney, Hayato consider's Bacon one of his closest friends in the chatroom. Hayato appreciates everything Bacon has done for him.

Willie: “Alexa kill Ricky Rat.“ Sadly he wants to outsexy him too after his reveal.

Vaati: Hated him through most of the killing game, but forgives him around the end because of his change of heart.

Robin: He likes them, lowkey sees them as the cool grandparent he’s never had. He also met their husband and kids while he tried to fight them over making up the term 'clown ass'. Feels a little bad for ignoring their advice.

Ichimatsu: Despite him being despair and saying some things that may be unsettling, Hayato doesn’t think of him as entirely bad. He just sees him as depressed.

Todomatsu: Seems suspicious.

+ General Matsu thoughts: Wonders still how the hell there’s so many of them. “How does anyone have sextuplets?!“

Fugo: Hasn't spoken to him much yet. So far, he finds it wild how the dude is named after food.

Ene: He gets along pretty well with Ene, but for awhile disliked her for showing sympathy to what 'seemed' to be Pierrot's killer.

Nightingale/Boss: While he did get mad at her during the time Pierrot had died, he eventually apologized and the two went back to being good friends.

Ryuji: So far he's not getting along the best with this guy because he wants to steal Washi. However, now Ryuji has a chicken named Joker and Washi is also dating them.

Sungmo: He's rather grateful for him since him and Bacon kicked his ex-manager's ass... With words.

Jaehyun: Hayato hit it off pretty quickly with him, he usually comes over to his place to eat whatever Jaehyun is cooking.

Amelia: While he should dislike Two, he really dislikes Amelia the most. Especially because she had betrayed Pierrot's trust.


Basic Information
Age: 28
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 150lb
Birthday: May 3rd (Taurus)
Gender: Male (he/him)
Orientation: Gay
Class: 58
Class Title: Ultimate Drummer
Alignment: Hope; not part of the Future Foundation.
Status: Alive


Background: He's the drummer for Hayato's band, Stone Roses. Him and Hayato have been friends since high school and like Pierrot and Hayato, they had also dated for a short while. He's Hayato's other best friend (if not Pierrot).

Personality: Eiichi is rather laidback and easy-going, the polar opposite of Hayato. He's rather friendly and chatty, he also tries to see good in everyone despite their flaws, even if they are aligned with despair. It's a trait that's good but it can also bring his downfall.
(NOTE: Eiichi's personality has changed heavily since DV, but this is the personality he had in DV.)

However, it does help avoid conflict in STONE ROSES.

(picrew credit)

Pierrot: Pierrot and Eiichi were around each other plenty in high school, but they never really talk a lot after that. However, Eiichi sometimes sees and talks to him when Pierrot visits the band for Hayato. He believes Pierrot is a good person, and trusts him with Hayato.
"Glad Hayato finally confessed to you [haha], take good care of him, alright?"

Hayato: They're best friends. Hayato does tell him a lot, but Eiichi notices he closes himself a lot at some points. Hayato doesn't do that intentionally, though. That's just the way he is.
"You shouldn't be afraid to be fragile, Hayato. You're a pretty cool dude, it's okay to confide in others and cry when you need to."

Saburo and Akita relations will be added soon!


Basic Information
Age: 19
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 145lb
Birthday: June 23rd (Cancer/Gemini cusp)
Gender: Trans Male (he/him)
Orientation: Gay
Occupation: Teacher at Negaiboshi
Alignment: Hope
Status: Alive


Sonic was born to an anime toon (a hedgehog kemono) and a video game toon. His parents' situation is unknown, as they had been gone around the time Sonic was born. Sonic had to completely fend for himself as a kid because of this, he lived in a forest. This area was where he met his brother Tails, Amy, Sally, and his ex-rival now boyfriend Knuckles. This was also an area Eggman/Robotnik used to frequent, so SEGA would constantly keep an eye on things there.

While SEGA was keeping an eye on things, they had taken notice of Sonic and his friends and with permission, they took Sonic, Amy, Tails, and Knuckles under their wing. Thanks to this, Sonic and the others now live safely in the city. Later on, he becomes a physical education teacher at Negaiboshi.

Sonic still takes on the job of stopping Eggman/Robotnik and (recently) other villains while he is teaching at school. Sometimes he may disappear for days on end just to stop them.

He's also a substitute teacher at Acme Loo, sometimes he goes over to visit on occasion. He choose to become a substitute teacher there because he wants to socialize with his fellow toons.

Sonic also has various video games and television shows based on him, all of them made by SEGA. Some are true accounts (Most games up to Adventure are true stories) meanwhile some are only pure fiction (SatAM Sonic for example).

He's nicknamed 'The Hedgehog' because of the ears on his head.

Personality: Sonic is a very energetic and outgoing person, he can easily befriend everyone in the room. He's also very kindhearted and is pretty popular due to him helping out every chance he gets. However, Sonic isn't entirely perfect. He's prone to impatience and sometimes he has a temper that could get him into trouble. But thankfully, he doesn't have that much of a short fuse. This only shows around the most inhumane of situations. He's also a bit too egotistic, overconfident, and a huge smart-ass at times and it can make people dislike him despite his benevolence.


Basic Information
Age: Immortal (physical appearance 30's)
Height: 5'3
Weight: ???lb
Birthday: Nov 27 (Sagittarius)
Gender: Nonbinary (they/them)
Orientation: Pan
Affiliation: SEGA (not affiliated with Negaiboshi or Acme Loo)
Alignment: Hope
Status: Alive


Dreamie is one of the SEGA 'gods' that help take care of the toons who are linked with SEGA. However, despite being a 'god', Dreamie's abilities are pretty limited. The only thing Dreamie really can do is control electricity and consoles that do not take on a physical appearance. They're also immortal because of being a god.

Dreamie may potentially be the one that takes Sonic under their wing. Regardless, Dreamie is the god closest to Sonic and is basically his parent. They get along really well.

Dreamie's also a parent in general, fun fact but they have a kid that's an Idog humanization. They also married a N64 humanization for quite some time but that ended in a divorce.

Personality: Dreamie is a little playful and mischevious, but they mean well. They also speak in a rather intellectual manner, it's the ~otherworldly aesthetic~

art by maya @iavashipping/@kurinhyi


Basic Information
Age: 17
Height: 5'11"
Weight: ??? lb
Birthday: December 29th (Capricorn)
Gender: Male (he/him)
Orientation: Demi-Pansexual
Class: 69 (haha ni-)
Alignment: Despair ('converted' to Hope by the end of DV2 thanks to Honoka's ultimate optimism)
Status: Survivor
Class Title: Ultimate Botanist


Shuichi was one of the survivors during the Virtual Disneyland Killing Game. He had survived not only in game, but outside the game too. He had been aligned with the Renmants of the Despair before the game. When he was associated with them, he was similar to a Jevohah's Witness for despair. He'd typically go up to people's doors and try to convert them to believe Peacock's beliefs, usually by force. If the person hesitated, he'd kill them.
Also, Shuichi wasn't the type who'd join the Renmants of Despair easily. His mother's life had been threatened and he was forced to join. However, the people that recruited him knew about his intelligence and the possibility that he'd turn behind their backs and reveal secret information to those aligned with the Future Foundation, so he had to have a chip installed in his brain that controlled his mind to brainwash him to stay devoted to the Renmants of Despair. However, for reasons unknown, this chip had seemed to stop working during the killing game and after it. It's highly possible that the person who controlled the chip lost all control.
When he was free from the virtual realm, he went back to his friends and his mother back home. He also made sure to stay in contact with the people he knew during the killing game, including his close friend Honoka. He makes sure to attend any U's concert he's able to.
He's also still a half-demon in his verse and he still goes by Kurama to Team Urameshi, however, it wasn't revealed in the actual storyline because it would be something only relevant if he had been able to kill someone or died. He's also still dealing with plenty of the things he had in canon, and right after the DV2 storyline ends, he's back to trying to stop Sensui from opening the gates between the demon realms and human realms. Basically, it becomes a hybrid of DV2 and YYH canon! Wild stuff!

Shipping wise it defaults to Kurahi pining, which will be shown in the Post-DV2 drabble I still gotta finish

Personality: Shuichi is rather distant throughout the killing game, as his only thoughts at the beginning were 'don't get close. survive so you can get out'. However, he did converse time to time, made a few friends while he was there, and lended a helping hand at times. Shuichi is rather intelligent and cunning, he had helped solve plenty of the investigations while he was at Disneyland. Though the more killings had happened, the more he had plummeted down to despair. However, he views things in a more positive light near the end of the game.


Honoka: One of the closest relationships he had in DV2. Honoka is a close friend like a sister to him, along with one of the first friends he's made during the killing game. While he was rather distant at first, Honoka was like the sunshine shining into the dimly lit room (that was Shuichi). She would typically offer to hang out with him and do things like play in the ball pits in the park. When Honoka had 'died', Shuichi was devastated and fell hard into the pits of despair. However, it's a visit by Honoka's ghost at night that motivated Shuichi to keep going and to never give up, to which he listens. In the end, his dedication to regaining hope helps him in the end, as him and his classmates got out of the killing game and he learned Honoka was actually alive.

Rocky Road: Shuichi didn't have much strong feeling for Rocky Road at the beginning of the killing game, especially since he had gotten killed off so fast. However, he regains memories they had together before it all happened later on in the game. Shuichi realizes then that Rocky was like a brother to him. He also learned that he was (sort-of) Rocky's impulse control that stopped him from getting lost at Mcdonald's.

Yogi + Yori: Yogi was one of Shuichi's friends during the killing game. That had soon soured around the time Honoka got killed and he learned that Yogi and Yori had killed her. However, he felt conflicted when he learned Yogi and Yori's true reasonings. He still feels soft conflict towards them despite everything now being okay.

Mugman: Mugsy was someone Shuichi was rather protective of - maybe a friend? He was upset when he saw Mugsy die and made an attempt to put him back together in hopes he'll revive... At least he got that in the end, thankfully.

Ryo Asuka: He seems to harbor a dislike towards Ryo, especially with his behaviors during the killing game. Even after the killing game he doesn't seem to want to be near him.
Phonon: Seems to dislike her.

(no ic quotes but maybe if i get my shuichi muse back i'll add some, someday!)

under construction! max is in his thirties and he teaches at the toon academy as a chemistry professor.